EHC International:
Amazing Stories of What God Did through EHC Christmas Outreaches!
Praise the Lord for another year of incredible harvest for the kingdom!
Making an exciting year even more fruitful, EHC teams are finishing 2013 strong with special Christmas outreaches! These outreaches aim to reach thousands of families by taking advantage of doors that are opened during the Christmas season. The outreaches are already underway, and EHC teams expect to reach thousands of homes with the Good News this Christmas.
Following are stories from EHC Christmas outreaches—stories that remind us of all God has done around the world in the last year and all He is doing now during this Christmas season.
Africa: Ghana
On Christmas Eve last year, the EHC Ghana office received a call from a man named Richmond. “I received your booklet about Christmas and salvation when your worker brought it to my home,” Richmond said, “and this message could change my life. Please, can I meet with someone from your ministry to discuss this?” The EHC National Director, Karl Menyah, invited Richmond to meet him the very next day—Christmas.
When Richmond came to the office, he told Karl he had read the booklet and wanted to accept Jesus. “But,” Richmond asked, “is every detail of this booklet true? Will God really forgive all my sins?” Karl answered, “Oh, yes! Even if you are an armed robber or a murderer, God will still forgive you.” Little did Karl know, he was talking to just such a man.
“I am an armed robber,” Richmond confessed, sharing his life with Karl. “I work for a gang leader and have done many terrible things, robbing businesses of thousands of dollars and even murdering people.” Karl assured Richmond that God would forgive him even of these things if he committed his life to Christ, and Richmond was so relieved! There in the EHC office on Christmas day, Richmond the robber committed his life to Jesus.
After that day, Richmond left the gang and the EHC team helped him escape to a new city. Now he is studying an EHC follow-up Bible course and Karl stays in touch with him over the phone, encouraging him to stay strong in the faith. EHC workers also helped Richmond find a church near his new home. “I am praying Richmond will one day join our EHC team,” Karl says, “and preach the Good News to many more armed robbers so they will also be saved!”