Every Home for Christ’s goal was to reach 50,000 homes door-to-door, distributing the Gospel messages “It Was All for You” and “The Path to Happiness.”
Praise the Lord that over 7,500 responses to the Gospel were recorded and 81 new Christ Groups were planted.
Several churches responded enthusiastically to the EHC vision of systematically taking the Gospel home-to-home. Goals were achieved through the open doors that were enhanced by such partnerships. Because of this many
lives were touched and people understood the message of the cross for the first time.
One elderly woman of 81 years old received the printed gospel message “It Was All for You” from an EHC worker and her husband read the Gospel booklet to her. Everyone was in tears as this woman said that in all her years, she had not realised God’s great love for her. She accepted Jesus into her heart with joy. A week later, the pioneer missionaries revisited the home to give her another message. They were told she had passed into the presence of the Lord. What a miracle to know that this woman was ushered into the arms of Jesus!
Pray for God to fill the evangelical church in Colombia with love for those without Christ. Despite Colombia’s violent history of war and persecution, this nation is experiencing open doors as people are turning their lives over to Jesus Christ!