She lived in the shadows of her village, her life marked with shame and disgrace. Having born children outside of marriage kept her mind in a state of emotional war. She fitted nowhere; neither her mother nor her sisters accepted her. Men didn’t want her—even her children were ashamed of her. Outcast and unloved, she hid from the outside world. No friends, no visitors, no identity—until the EHC Christmas Outreach brought someone to her door.
Surely they had the wrong house.
Shy and insecure, she was hesitant to speak to them, but as they shared why they had come, her parched heart drank in their words. They told her that God loved her no matter what she’d done, and that by accepting His forgiveness, she could become a new creation. They said she could have a fresh start and correct the mistakes of her life—news too good to believe. But if what they said was true, she had another chance, something she never thought possible.
With nothing to lose and everything to gain, she gave her life to Christ that day—laying down her burden and receiving a new identity in Him. “My heart is full of thanksgiving unto God who sent His workers to my village,” she said. “It was like He sent them here only for me.” Now free from her shame, she can confidently say, “The old has passed and the new has come!” She was given more than a new identity that day.
She was given a gift that no amount of money could buy—eternity in heaven and peace for life on earth.