Talofa Lava and Warm Christ Greetings in our Savior’s Name!
I am compelled in my spirit to put ink to paper and share with you the word our Lord gave for me, my family, and for the ministry of Every Home for Christ in Samoa at the beginning of this year as our team and I embarked on a journey of 21 days of prayer and Daniel-type fasting.
The Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart for our team to meet every night for three hours for worship, prayer, and Bible reading for the following 21 days. We were also directed to read a chapter of the Gospel of John every night.
Another instruction we received was for everyone present to allow the Holy Spirit to show them something from the chapter we had finished reading and share it with the rest of us. Every night the Lord visited us as we worshipped Him, prayed to Him, and read from His Word. Our simple obedience to His instructions resulted in His visitation every night.
On one such night, I believe I received a word from the Lord that was just four words. The Lord said, “Focus, Commit, Complete, and Reward.” The following week the Lord gave me the Scripture to confirm this word in 2 Timothy 4:7-8.
Paul said, “I have fought the good fight (focus); I have finished the race (commitment); and I have kept the faith (completion).” Verse 8 explains the reward that awaits Paul as “a crown of righteousness.”
Every day we are engaged in some kind of spiritual warfare with the enemy of our souls. Every professional boxer knows the importance of staying focused in order to compete professionally and win. We must keep our focus on Jesus Christ and concentrate on fulfilling the will of God in our lives daily in this day and hour. During this time we must remember three things.
Number one, the devil is on the prowl to destroy our focus, our concentration. Every successful athlete, pastor, businessman, student, or politician knows the importance of commitment. Commitment is a choice. Success is unattainable without any solid and intentional commitment. Our spiritual walk, growth, and progress in the Lord is pretty much determined by the level of commitment we are willing to make.
Number two, the devil wants to destroy our commitment to the call of God in our lives. We all know that it is critically important to complete everything God has called us to do in this life before He calls us home someday. That day shall arrive soon enough and we shall leave this place; but it is my prayer that before we go and spend eternity with God we would have completed every task, every assignment, and every project assigned to us by our Heavenly Father.
Finally, the devil employs fear, disappointment, frustration, and unbelief to sabotage God’s plan for our lives. Do not become complacent! We shall be rewarded with a “crown of righteousness” if we can stay faithful to the end.
So, the strategy is simple: Focus, commit, and complete in order to inherit the reward!
from EHC International
Morgan Gegera is the Every Home for Christ National Director for Samoa. Morgan is married to Mele and together they have four children.