In three focus areas, no less than 170 teams of pioneer missionaries organized and led outreach groups of three to four individuals and taking the Gospel home to home, with 4,250 homes reached daily and more than 328,237 homes in total visited.
One of the greatest victories was the number of new Christ Groups that were planted during the EHC 2011 Summer Advance in Kenya—a total of 481! These new Christ Groups have been put under the oversight of larger church fellowships who are helping them to become established. This enables all the churches to embrace the ministry of EHC because it helps them to reach entire communities for Christ. One pastor reported 20 additional members because of the EHC Advance.
EHC Kenya National Director Nicholas Mulea says, “Wherever we go, the paper missionaries continue to speak long after we are gone. Thanks be to God that we can leave an everlasting impact in every home. With more of these seasonal projects, we are geared toward making even greater achievements for the kingdom of heaven!”