Every day, EHC offices around the world receive hundreds or thousands of letters and response cards from new believers or those who are interested in learning more about Christ after EHC workers visited them in their homes with gospel literature. Following are a few samples from the global EHC mailbag that were translated and sent to our international office!
I received your literature from Nepal Every Home for Christ that told me about how God created everything in the beginning and how He sent His only Son Jesus to give His life on the cross for my sins. This is all very new to me, but I was very glad to read it. I now want to know more about Jesus. Please send me the materials your booklet mentioned about your Bible correspondence course.
Raj, Central Nepal
I read the booklet you left in my prison cell many times, and step by step I am finding faith and the way to God. It is clear to me now that when I first refused to think about God, I had so many sorrows. I did not even take time to consider if there was a true God. I trusted only in myself. Unfortunately, this resulted in a very poor lifestyle and many mistakes in my life. Now I am in prison, and I have time to think over my life and what I believe. I am trying with your help and with God’s love to learn more about Jesus and His teachings. I want to be different. Can you send me more information about serving Jesus?
Rudolf, Czech Republic
I found an old gospel booklet and response card from your ministry as I was looking through my mother’s home in Belgium. Someone must have given it to my mother some years ago. Will you send me the books you mention to my address in Budapest? I hope you still have these materials available because I would like to know more about this person named Jesus.
F.J., Hungary
Dear EHC South Africa,
Our church recently held a prayer walk that took us right through a large shopping center. While we were there, we had the opportunity to share the Gospel using your booklet “The Way to God.” My friend and I had a divine opportunity with a cashier during the outreach. When we entered one of the shops, we found that it was completely quiet and there were no customers. We asked the cashier if she knew God, and she said no. We asked if she would be interested in knowing Jesus Christ, the Savior of all mankind, and she said, “Yes! I want to accept Jesus!” Right in the store, she prayed the prayer of salvation and committed her life to the Lord. We have made an appointment to meet with her again for follow-up, and we left her one of your booklets. Thank you for providing these resources for outreach. God bless.
R.G., South Africa