Located in the foothills of the Himalayas, the town of Ranikhet is known in India for its beauty and the serenity of its hills. In fact, in 1869 the British government in Delhi established Ranikhet as a military retreat for English soldiers.
Ranikhet is dominated by Hindu temples that dot the landscape. It is here that EHC workers determined to take the light of the Gospel in order to reach a place renowned for its natural beauty but one that is spiritually dark. Not only were there challenges geographically in reaching this area with the Gospel due to the dangerous mountainous terrain, but during EHC’s Easter Advance, the team faced rejection and opposition. Some EHC workers, after suffering blisters on their feet and struggling through heavy rains in a flooded jungle, were completely worn out after only a few days. But they remained unwavering in their desire to reach every home and decided to complete the distribution, knowing how much in Ranikhet needed to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ!