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Multicultural Christian Ministries Connection

MCMC (Multicultural Christian Ministries Connection) meets at the:
Sydney Saesoon Presbyterian Church (Admin Block) 219A , North Rocks Rd, North Rocks 2151 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon.
For details contact: Shane Khin 0414994880 or Graham McDonald: 0403 190 103

The Multicultural Christian Ministries Connection (MCMC)
 is an informal group of church leaders from the different Asia[1]Pacific culture churches in Sydney and beyond who meet bimonthly to hear a guest speaker and share what the Lord is doing in their individual ministry. Also present are the representatives of National and International Christian organisations operating around the Pacific and Asian region and around the world. This group have been meeting for more than 15 years and by collaborating have been able to achieve many important initiatives in quite a few countries. Currently there are over 100 recipients of the official MCMC Report MCMC is grateful to the Sydney Saesoon Presbyterian Church at North Rocks who host our meetings and provide hospitality. As a part of the church Christian ministry, a team each month faithfully caters for the MCMC attendees with a meeting room, refreshments and lunch.  The MCMC lead coordinator is Shane Khin who pastors a Myanmar church in western Sydney.

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