At Every Home for Christ (EHC) we launched in August our first Zoom prayer meeting and on September 12th we completed our second prayer meeting.
Every time we promote these prayer meetings, I am reminded about the apostle Paul who in 1 Thessalonians 5:16- 18 tells us to:
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
I have always struggled as to what the apostle Paul meant by “pray without ceasing…” given that I have a full and active work, family and social life so I often wonder if I should be on my knees 24/7?
No doubt “pray without ceasing” means different things to different people but for me I have come to the conclusion that Paul is referring to one or all of the following:
• Continue to seek God’s help and guidance in everything,
• Thanking the Lord for good and not so good things,
• Consistently looking to God in all circumstances and
• Having our minds always on the things of God and being in constant communication with Him.
At this point it is well worth remembering that we, at Every Home for Christ, mirror Dick Eastman’s book The Hour That Changes the World which is a practical plan for personal prayer. First published in 1978, Dick draws heavily on Scripture making it a classic book on prayer that offers practical suggestions on how readers can revitalize their prayer lives. Dick Eastman challenges Christians to spend one hour each day in prayer and he outlines a twelve-step prayer program to help them accomplish the task.
So, may I invite you to join us in prayer on Monday 28th October for our monthly prayer meeting with a Special Prayer Guest. See more details in this newsletter.
To continue our prayer ministry, I am looking forward to attending the Australian National Prayer Breakfast on Monday 4 November in the Great Hall at the Australian Parliament House, so please say hello if you are in Canberra on that day.
Blessings, Greg Bondar,
Managing Director Australia & New Zealand