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The Christian ethos laid the foundation of Western civilisation, leading us to the stability and prosperity we enjoy through the provision of law, justice and freedom. While western societies have prospered and enjoyed the fruits of Christ, we have continuously rejected Him, seemingly without fear of the repercussions of a decision made in wishful ignorance.

Such a travesty is evidenced by ABS data, which incidentally offers a glimmer of hope to those dedicated to the sharing of Christ’s love to the world. In the 1971 census, 86.2% of Australians identified with the Christian faith. That statistic almost halved, with a mere 43.9% respondents to the 2021 census upholding their identity with the faith. Looking at the correlation between faith and age, this trend is set to worsen as older generations pass away and new generations emerge.

In the 2021 census, 39% of generation Z (aged 10-24 at time of census) identified as Christian while a mere 30% of their Millennial (aged 25-39 at time of census) counterparts held the same view of Christianity. While minor, the 9% discrepancy is interesting to note as it disrupts the stark trend of identification with Christianity correlating with increased age.

While it may be reasonably concluded that the drop in Christian affiliation between Generation Z and their Millennial predecessors is simply due to the fact that, while many millennials fill out the census on their own accord, many members of generation Z innately follow their parent’s religious affiliation, it can still be looked at with optimism.

Anyone who spends any amount of time noting Christ’s gospel, will know that Christianity is not about ticking boxes but rather, having a personal relationship with Christ. Accordingly, the statistics do not intrinsically indicate the actual reality of the state of Australia’s spiritual health. They do, however, indicate the percentage of people who would most likely be willing to hear the gospel in its truest form, indicating an opportunity for practising Christians to fulfill their obligation to make disciples for Christ.

Every Home seeks to capitalise on the inevitable interest in Christianity of generation Z, drawing Australia’s youth to Christ, filling the void left by the lack of a religious foundation, saving the 9% of youths from the despair of living life without Christ.

Accordingly, every Christian ought to fulfill Christ’s great commission to evangelise the world, capitalising the increased interest of young people to matters of faith, drawing them nearer to the love of God through Christ Jesus, bringing the gospel to everyone, everywhere, in every generation.