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We have previously mentioned that we are supporting a Missionary from Fiji to Samoa and also helping them in procuring a much-needed school and mission mini bus (see article in this issue). During my mission trip to Samoa in November, I was invited to preach in numerous churches and meet and pray with the longest serving Prime Minister Tuilaʻepa Saʻilele Malielegaoi.

The highlight for me was visiting makeshift homes (huts) in the regional tropical bushlands of Samoa where the Samoan EHC Team and I prayed with household residents who do not as yet know our Lord Jesus Christ and/or looking for scriptural and spiritual support

My EHC colleague and brother in Christ Morgan Gegera organised for me to speak at a men’s breakfast, a major dinner and to my delight, lead a 2 ½ hour prayer meeting. Our support for Samoa will continue into 2025 with the launch of a new audio bible for use by those who cannot read or write in remote villages or for school children wishing to improve their English via listening to the bible.