Years ago I started keeping a daily journal. I use it to document thoughts the Lord gives me while I pray for the nations, friends, family, and staff by name. It’s become a Thanksgiving day
tradition of mine to spend an extended amount of time reflecting on the events of the previous 12 months. I take time on this special day to list, one by one, blessings and events that come to
my mind. Included in my annual lists are victories, answered prayers, and milestones worthy of remembrance.
As another Thanksgiving day (a holiday we celebrate in the USA) approached,specific things came to my mind that will be on this year’s list. First, I’m wonderfully thankful for EHC’s ever expanding global harvest. This has been a monumental year for EHC. The Lord is honouring your prayers and the fruit of our labours in unprecedented ways.
We’re witnessing a growing hunger for truth and a longing for peace in all areas of the world. In the past 12 months alone, we’ve seen 16,557,290 people respond to our more than 130 home-to-home campaigns. That’s an amazing average of 49,424 every day for an entire year!
As Luke 15:10 tells us, “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God when one sinner repents” (The Living Bible). Imagine the celebration happening in heaven over nearly 17 million new
And there will be more in the coming weeks as we’re just about to enter the most fruitful season of the year—our annual Christmas Outreach. In this issue, you’ll read some of the stories and testimonies from last year’s event. All over the globe pioneer missionaries reached out to entire communities. The result was tremendous they touched 2,793,825 homes during those few weeks, and 373,500 people responded positively to the Gospel message! I’m also thankful for our dedicated global team of workers who sow seeds of the Gospel home-by-home and gather this amazing harvest. EHC now supports a field staff of 4,500 workers along with an additional monthly average of 45,000 volunteers. Together, they reach nearly 310,000 new families every day with the Good News! That’s a mighty global army of believers, and it’s growing by large numbers daily! Thank you, Lord, for such dedicated and committed workers!
Finally, I’m so very thankful (and extremely grateful) for YOU, our faithful partners. Your interceding for us is the “power line,” and your financial gifts, the “supply line” that sustain such a sweeping work. You are the “hands,” and our global staff are the “feet.” Together, we proclaim the love of Christ to the lost and broken of this world.
As we enter the Christmas season, please join me in praying for our upcoming outreach when great numbers of people will hear the story of salvation for the very first time. I’m asking God for a record harvest of souls who desperately need the Good News of the Saviour. I believe the choirs of heaven are rehearsing some astounding “Hallelujahs!”
The Christmas season provides a unique opportunity to share the Gospel around the world. At this special time of year, hearts are receptive, families are gathered together, and the Church is more motivated to go out with the Gospel. Thousands of volunteers and churches all around the globe plan their Christmas Outreach strategies months in advance.
Last year’s Christmas Outreach touched the lives of more than 2,700,000 homes around the globe. The stories and testimonies of lives impacted were remarkable, and we want to share a couple with you.