I became a supporter of the World Literature Crusade way back in 1979 before its name was changed to Every Home for Christ several years later and Dick Eastman became the President. I mention this because many supporters in NZ joined in that period around the early 1980’s and have faithfully supported the work of EHC since that time.
Over the years you will have received dozens of monthly newsletters from Eric Leach with updates on what EHC was doing around the World. So, you will be aware that sadly, in June 2024 we lost our faithful servant to eternity. On behalf of the EHC NZ board and NZ supporters I note the passing of a man whose passion for evangelism never diminished. Rest in peace Eric.
We welcomed Greg Bondar as the new Managing Director for Australia and New Zealand. Greg has enthusiastically taken up the challenge of “Every Home” and is rapidly leaving his mark on the organisation. Every Home has had a low profile in NZ but with Greg’s leadership and insight the organisation will begin to develop a more visible presence through a number of initiatives being implemented in 2025. Suffice to say that 2024 was a year of significant changes in many ways for churches, communities, cultures and countries across the globe. We intend to act with other like-minded organisations to inspire and empower the Church to carry Christ to their world in 2025.
Thank you and
God bless you,
Teepa Wawatai
As we move into 2025, I am pleased to advise that we now have a special section for our New Zealand readers. We named it “across the ditch” which most people will know is an idiom that means travelling between Australia and New Zealand, with the Tasman Sea being referred to as “the ditch”. As a member of the New Zealand Board of Directors, I can report that the AGM was held on 14 December in Wellington with all Directors being re-elected:
• Teepa Wawatai – Chairman (Porirua)
• John Ealand – Deputy Chairman (Blenheim)
• Stephen Whitwell – Secretary (Tauranga)
• Roger Mackay – Director (Warkworth)
• Greg Bondar – Managing Director (Sydney)
I am also pleased to advise that Stephen Whitwell was also appointed as the interim New Zealand Ministry Coordinator and he can now service all our NZ donors and supporters direct.
Stephen’s contact details are:
Every Home Global Concern NZ
PO Box 8197 Cherrywood Tauranga 3145
E: stephen@everyhome.org.nz
W: www.everyhome.org.nz
M: 027 220 7010 P: 0800 900 200 Toll free
The New Zealand board also held its strategic planning workshop in September which resulted in new events and outreach projects being developed and soon to be launched in early 2025.