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During the reporting period, the project directly benefited 350 households, translating to 1,328 individuals, including 577 men, 621 women, 30 terminally ill individuals/people living with disabilities and 100 children. Additionally, the project reached 2,500 beneficiaries through various trainings, counting multiple engagements. This success was achieved through initiatives such as the Farmers Input Support, Training in Conservation Farming Techniques, formation of Village Savings Groups, provision of Grants for IncomeGenerating Activities, Water and Sanitation programmes and Education in Nutrition and Children’s Programmes.
By the end of the financial year 2023/24, the project made significant progress towards its primary objective of enhancing household food security, income and improved sanitation through technology transfer, input support and awareness campaigns. Training of Trainers meetings were held for lead farmers to enhance their skills in extension facilitation methodologies, water and sanitation practises, demonstration plot management and livestock management. Households improved livestock production by 5% through the Livestock Pass-On Program, which included the distribution of chickens and goats.
This program also benefited 10 individuals living with disabilities. One hundred households increased their income by an average of 11% through the Village Savings Group initiatives. Despite these achievements, the 2023/24 season experienced the worst dry spell in the country’s history, threatening future food security, incomes and water supply access for over 500 households in Kazala. Unfortunately, beneficiary households lost 95% of their staple food crops.
Three hundred and twenty-five households (1,700 people) have gained improved access to clean water and sanitation facilities through the rehabilitation of two wells and the construction of six VIP improved toilets, resulting in a 33% reduction in open defecation. Nevertheless, the resilience and dedication of the community, coupled with the support from Every Home for Christ Zambia and Every Home Global Concern Australia, provide hope and a strong foundation for overcoming these challenges and continuing to strive towards a brighter and more secure future.