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The Beginnings and The Highlights

Since Every Home for Christ International’s inception in 1946 from the founder’s small garage in Saskatchewan,Canada, the ministry has experienced significant international growth. Originally operating as a radio broadcast ministry called Tract Club of the Air, which made tracts available free to all who requested them, EHC founder, Jack McAlister, expanded the vision globally and by 1952 changed the name of the ministry to World Literature Crusade, moving the headquarters to Southern California.

During those same early years, it became clear to Jack that to reach a nation literally with the Gospel, the only certain, measurable way was to take the gospel message systematically, home by home, which was the early Church method. Thus, in 1953 the first Every Home Campaign was born in Japan. Before long,

Every Home Campaigns were conducted globally.(To date Every Home Campaigns have been conducted in 192 nations.) In order to reflect the nature of this global focus more fully, the international name of the ministry was changed in 1987 to Every Home for Christ (EHC). For nearly 60 years, Every Home for Christ (EHC) has been working actively throughout the world with more than 500 mission agencies and denominations to strategically plant the gospel message in hundreds of millions of homes all over the world through door-to-door, face-to-face evangelism contacts. Every Home for Christ, with a full-time staff of over 1,200 workers plus over 14,000 volunteer associates, has systematically distributed over 2.1 billion gospel messages, home to home, in 192 nations of the world, resulting in over 30 million decision cards being mailed to EHC’s many offices overseas and the establishing of over 47,500 village New Testament fellowships called Christ Groups.” In areas where illiterate people groups exist, EHC distributes gospel records and audiotapes, including the amazing card talks (cardboard record players).

Following are ministry highlights since 1946:

First Every Home Campaign (systematic, home-to-home campaign using literature) launched in Japan in 1953.
Every Home evangelism campaigns have now been conducted in 216 nations.

EHC gospel booklets and Bible correspondence courses are printed in languages spoken by 96 percent of the earth’s population.

Total home-to-home coverage has been completed at least once in 101 nations, including India and its 600,000 villages. In India alone, an average of 50,000 new homes with at least 250,000 inhabitants are reached with the Gospel every day through EHC outreaches.

Over 3.18 billion gospel messages with response cards have been distributed.

Since 1953, more than 111 million decision/response cards have been received. Over the past year, we received an average of 38,000 responses each day.

Each response card is followed-up with a four-part Bible correspondence course.

Over 100 offices are currently maintained worldwide, and special plans are underway to launch EHC initiatives among the world’s more than 15,000 least-evangelized people groups.

* Current as of March 2013.


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