At this longitude, in the Southern hemisphere of Uruguay, EHC’s Summer Advance actually takes place during the winter months. In fact, in this region of the world, it is not uncommon for many volunteers to suffer from severe flu, which typically hits during this time. This is one of the challenges faced by EHC workers, but they persevere despite the hardships.
The 2011 Advance involved partnering with every church leader possible in order to saturate entire towns and villages with the Gospel. In total, 32 villages were subsequently reached, while 87,020 households and 106,260 individuals were touched by the Good News of Jesus Christ! Several pastors were so thankful for the success of the outreach they called the EHC office thanking the team for their dedication and willingness to “go out with them house to house to tell people about the Lord.” Many people who were reached appreciated the message of reconciliation brought by the workers. They felt encouraged and asked for prayer, thanking the workers for “seeking them out” through the gospel literature outreach.
Please continue to pray for the work in Uruguay, where leaders there say they “understand the responsibility of reaching every household in our nation.” Pray as they press forward to reach every home in Uruguay in the next four years!